Dance Party meaning and definition

Dance Party meaning

The state of drunkenness before "Drunk" and after "Tipsy". Characterized by excessive desire to dance with one's friends or just by yourself. Will quickly turn to "Drunk". Sober--> Tipsy--> DANCE PARTY--> Drunk--> Wasted--> Smashed--> Black out

Dance Party meaning

a dance party occurs either on your own or with a group of people. any type of music can be played, no matter now embarassing, and you can bust any move you want. dance parties are the perfect way to blow off steam and a good activity for pre-drinks.

Dance Party meaning

DANCE PARTY is a hardcore band from auckland, new zealand, who play tuff breakdown-shoutout hardcore. The band is comprised of 6 key members, and plays in many combinations of these MONKEYATTACK - vocals RABBLE ROUSER - drums B UNIT - drums M THUG - guitars, bass xLOCOx - guitars, bass xBLOODNUTx - guitars xUNDERCUTx- bass, hardout man DANCE PARTY don't play many shows, but when they do, they leave with blood on the dancefloor and broken arms. DANCE PARTY thrives on wendys, the 4.50, salmas rasoi and anything free.

Dance Party meaning

verb- whenever an awkward moment strikes, call a dance party. move your arms in a foward backword motion right in front of your cleavage area. Then make an unce, unce,unce, unce, sound. dance partys should not last longer then 4 seconds.

Dance Party meaning

v. to dance and party simultaneously, preferably next to a car with open doors or windows and loud music playing. commonly mistaken for a rave.

Dance Party meaning

When a group of people in the same room have a competition to see whose computer can play music the loudest. Occurs simultaneously with conversations during A&E's Intervention, or C.S.I's commercial breaks. Often includes many different genres of music including R&B, Country, Rap, and British Rock.

Dance Party meaning

n. - a suffix put at the end of phrase (usually a noun or adjective) to be expressed in a comical way.

Read also:

Dance Party 06 meaning

The dance party of the year. Yeah, where the cool kids dance around to amazing songs. Cuz yeah, we party harder x3

dance party usa meaning

Dancing to music, usually at very loud decibels, at ungodly hours of the night/morning. Featured songs are "New Work-Plan" and "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant". Musical variation is a MUST.

Dancepiration meaning

When a song, dance or moment inspires one to dance.

Danceplanation meaning

A danceplanation is when a person is telling a story or explaining a concept while raising and waving their arms all over the place. At the same time they'll shuffle their feet and occasionally throw a small kick in front of themselves; but, kicking isn't mandatory. In extreme cases both feet may come off the ground.

dancepon meaning

the act of being used as a feminine blood storage device while dancing with an oblivious bleeder.

Dance poop meaning

A bowel movement brought on by excessive or extreme dancing.

dance porn meaning

The films that showcase seventy-five percent filler material created for the sole purpose of featuring choreographic orgasms. i.e., Step Up, Step Up 2, You Got Served, etc.

dance pot meaning

dance pot is a drug that gets out out in the dance. if your shy and at a club you need to get on the dance pot. it makes you grrove untill you die. it helps you become un shy, and you break out the hottest moves on the floor.

danception meaning

the state of moving your body along the rhythem, a feeling that comes from the bottom of your heart, and its one's most desired thought in mind. one could cause deception in someone's mind if the danceptor has great will power, or if the music is too funky. 中文翻譯為"全面舞動" 指的不只是身體上的律動,其中還包含心靈上的舞動,一個人跳舞不只是表面上的律動,而是全心全意投注在跳舞這個領域。你講話要有律動;你讀書要有律動;你上廁所也要有律動,無時無刻不在律動,心裡也在律動,每分每秒都有專屬你的節拍!

Dance Punching meaning

The feeling you get when a group of people move in on your dance space.