DarkRageZone meaning and definition

DarkRageZone meaning

The number 1 hacking resource

Read also:

darkrai meaning

A widely used internet term for gay.

dark rainbow meaning

A person who is a) confused b) torn between two soical groups or c) likes to confuse people

darkranger meaning

Usually associated with fags and horses.

Dark Rave meaning

moments when good music, good people (who you don't necessarily know) and good pills coincide. generally shouted out in crowded electro rooms at those dancing nearby. the accepted reply is to yell back 'dark rave!' or 'dark fucking rave!'

darkreaper meaning

the act of fingering a person's butt hole unexpectedly; a quick touch so the intended person feels the act but not full anal penetration

Dark_Reaper meaning

The almighty ruler of the Crusty Furby empire

dark reaver meaning

that kid is extremely obese, and he is obsessed with counter strike

Darkred17 meaning

Cock sucking, undeserving, suck up rsc mod ever. Suck a fatty nooblar.

darkredliner meaning

A faggot that takes everything in the internets/real life seriously and LOVES to roleplay

dark rida meaning

Kurt Pinella a.k.a. Kp da chron toka, this person rides with extremely tinted windows so you can't see him.