Darn-Gee meaning and definition

Darn-Gee meaning

The name is self explanatory, however if you come across one it will usually use words like 'gowpin'; howk; sair; scill; (and the most commonly used) Sellick' and also expressions like 'he's gauin ailsa' meaning 'one is angered'. They usually reside in Tarbolton or 'Tar-beeeee' to its inhabitants. They are also something of a legend in Ayrshire.

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darnget meaning

a conjunction of both "Danget" and "Darnet"

darngit meaning

Combination of "darn" and "dangit".

darnie meaning

A retarded child.

Darnified meaning

The term refering to something that would be worn by a retard named Darnie

darnika meaning

The girl that no one like but everyone sleeps with. she has no friends and wears slutty clothes.

Darning meaning

A Warning that comes too late.

darnique meaning

A beautiful girl, sensitive but knows how to stand her ground. Very independent, hates depending on others. Loyal, she'll be there during even the hardest times but you can always count on her. She can make friends wherever she goes and usually is the one all the guys want. She is a lady but never let that confuse you, she's a freak too. A person you'd love to be around.

Darnis meaning

When a old person have miniascuale ice cubes in there drink

darnisha meaning

A remarkable singer choosen from heaven and born as a angel in heart.

darnit meaning

Possible Euphemism for "Damn-it".