Darp meaning and definition

Darp meaning

Very similar to the meaning of derp. Has a hidden meaning of being awesome. If you are a derp, you suck and you have no hope. If you are a darp, you still suck but you have hope. It can literally mean anything though. Darp is what you make it.

Darp meaning

One who takes a dip or puts chewing tobacco in their mouth in nashville, TN. also known as slarp

Darp meaning

stretchy dick with excess skin; if played as an instrument, it would be a harp.

Darp meaning

A person that takes it in the butt.

Darp meaning

Dumb Arrogant Retarted Person.AKA shaw. A person who thinks that they are the shit..when thats exactly what they are, but not in the good way.when you call someone a DARP it is also referred to as someone who has done way to much Coke and is fried like a zombie...aka DARP zombie.

Darp meaning

GPO money maker, stupid moment

Darp meaning

adjective; noun Alternate meaning for dope.

Read also:

DARPA meaning

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military.

DARPA hard meaning

"DARPA hard" is shorthand for something considered extremely hard to achieve. The phrase comes from the US agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who are often tasked with coming up with solutions to very difficult problems (e.g. coming up with stealth technology to prevent aircraft being shot down). The implication is that only resources of the scale available to DARPA's would be required to crack the problem.

darpan meaning

She is incredibly beautiful both inside and out, even if she can't see it. She is absolutely hilarious, and extremely intelligent.The kinda girl that you can't get off your mind and makes you instantly smile when you talk to her. Not a backstabber unless it's completely necessary, and stands by her friends until the very end.She is a great friend to all and forgives easily. She loves everything about life and lives it to the fullest, over all just an amazing type of girl!

darp darp meaning

Means sorry or whoops! used if you make a mistake

Darpe ciem meaning

Opposite of carpe diem. Means when you get lazy as fuck, don't believe in yourself, and don't do shit for anyone but yourself. Usually results in going home, eating a Hot Pocket, then master bating and going to sleep

Darpo meaning

To Fail in every possible way. Literally.

dar por el culo meaning

Literally, to penetrate anally. Very often used to send someone to hell.

Darpreet meaning

A guy who is shy on the outside but has a perverted way of thinking. He seems nice at first, but once you get to know him, you want to punch him.

Darquarian meaning

Used to describe a man who gets a lot of women, booty pics, and nudity photos.

darquavis meaning

Dude with Sloan good at sport