Das Boot Vagon meaning and definition

Das Boot Vagon meaning

Using the word 'Butt Wagon' in a European country (preferably Germany) Most commonly associated with a buttock or mode of transport. Can also have multiple other meanings depending on the context of the conversation, and the emotion of the person saying it.

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Das Booty meaning

Doing a German chick in the ass...

Das Broke Boys meaning

being broke; not having money,

das bruce meaning

One crazy ass mothafucka, bobby pin bitch. Ya heard? Plays Trogdor and shiz.

Das Busa meaning

A large creature often seen riding Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycles whilst wearing only a german-style helmet.

Das Butt meaning

used primarily in Wales, refers to a guy that thinks he is very good at everything but in reality is average at best. Constantly trying to show off and often exagerates/creates stories. Can also be used to refer to someone who thinks they are a lot 'cooler' than they are.

dasc meaning

Doing Awesome Shit Constantly.Abbreviation and hashtag originating in the Philadelphia area around mid 2014.

Dascenzo meaning

A form of clinical insanity where ones life if consumed with internal debate. Patients with Dascenzo Disorder often spend countless hours making the most minute decisions, such as what type of moisturizer to buy or whether spending 5 dollars on a luxury good is educated life decision.

dasch meaning

a mixture of douche-bag and ass which can be used as an adjective when describing a member of the male species.

dascha meaning

Someone with a kind heart and is pretty hot