Daae meaning and definition

Daae meaning

Pronounced "day". Not "Dahh", "Dee", or "Die-a". It's a very unique name given to a very unique young woman. A person with this name has the most gorgeous eyes, no matter how much or less makeup she wears around them. They are a certain shade of blue that have a perfect shine to them. A Daae can be a very lazy being, and may eat a lot, but neither put a damper on her fine body. She has hardcore abs, as well. If you happen to meet a Daae, make a face at her. She'll die laughing, with her musical laughter.

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DAAF meaning

Acronym for: Designated Attactive Alfa Female. In a group of friends the DAAF is the woman who is most attractive, typically surrounded by at least one DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). The DAAF is the opposite of the Duff.

Daag meaning

This is an epic expression, coined by Kontraband enthusiast and post whore tmc420. It translated directly to 'whore', but is used in such a manner to replace terms such as 'shitty', or 'that's too bad'.

Daago meaning

Another form of Dego, a slur against those of Italian Descent.

daah meaning

used by finnish pissis, eng. w00t? or woot? = what?

daait meaning

daait noun. Common reference for food by Cape Flats locals in colloqial speech.

daaku meaning

hindi word...literally translated means...a bandit...dacoit... referred to any hardcore crazy-ass mothafucker

Da Ali G show meaning

The best show in the world

daaligtranslata meaning

A clueless person who insists on "informing" everyone. An idiotic person that thinks they are intelligent, but in reality know absolutely nothing about everything. The person who is always talking about anything and everything while everyone else rolls their eyes and talks shit about how stupid they are after they leave the vicinity.

da allo meaning

Illegal fireworks or other tools for the forces of vandalism!

DAALPS meaning

Its an abbreviation for "Daming Alam Amf Lulz Putik". Its a Filipino coined word rising to popularity.Adj.: It means you know a lot of things. Intelligent, cunning, wise. N.: A know-it-all person. A genius or intelligent person.