dab meaning and definition

dab meaning

A "dab" is when a cyclist touches the ground with his or her foot, shoe, etc. It is avoided in many disciplines such as mountain biking and trials riding.

dab meaning

To touch one's foot to the ground while bicycling. Considered to be a lost style point among trail riders, mountain bikers, bike polo players, among others. Since a lot of technical tricks can be avoided by simply walking the bike over a log or a stream, refraining from dabbing a foot encourages pure cycling and the attempt to negotiate obstacles by technical feats such as hopping or holding a track stand. Sometimes called a "foot down."

dab meaning

To score one point by footing in Observed Moto Trials.

dab meaning

To administer a drug in powder form orally by getting some on the index finger and rubbing it all over the gums.

dab meaning

A term used in bouldering (rock-climbing on boulders) to denote hitting the floor or a friend with a body part while climbing. A dab can allow a climber to continue instead of falling off, so is regarded as invalidating an ascent (or "send")

dab meaning

a fuckin leftist political party in Hong Kong with support from Chinese Communist Party

dab meaning

to stay off the nose candy for awhile, but then every now and then you "dab"

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DABA meaning

diplomate of accredited board certified anesthesiologists

Dababetes meaning

A condition commonly found in young adolescents, who suffer from the urge to frequently "dab".Side effects can include severe head and neck pain and annoyance of peersSymptoms appear similar to Tourette's syndrome, which may lead to a misdiagnosis

dabable meaning

when the moment is perfect to be dabbed too.

da baboosk meaning

A mega hottie from the northeast.

Dabachoo meaning

When you unintentionally sneeze in the form of a Dab

da backside meaning

1. the opposite of da frontside. da backside is a sexual position, and one of choice for men working at the depot. getting a piece of tail is never considered complete without "doing her from da backside".

Da BackwardZ Pajamas meaning

the unsettling feeling a person experiences when barging into their dorm rum/shared rum. Thus unveiling his/her roommates guilty face, a naked stranger in efforts to hide his/her throbbing genitals, your roommate's tousled hair + deer-in-headlights look + not only having the dirty tee on backwardz but also, inside out, and strangely ((stained)). Hmmmmz?

da backwudz meaning

Just a few miles East of Atlanta is the parlayed countryside known as Decatur, with its multitude of trees, dilapidated houses and southern players. It's the home of famed comedian and actor Chris Tucker, Jazzy T's and Club Mirage, as well as the birthplace of the rap duo known as Da BackWudz. On a side note, one of my personal fav. due to the new hit "I don't like the look of it"

Da Ba Course meaning

n. 1. an affirmative response