Dacco meaning and definition

Dacco meaning

A drug rehab located in Tampa, FL where they offer residential and outpatient services to people with a substance abuse problem. There is also a methadone clinic. People can complete a Drug Court program there and get their felony expunged.

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dace meaning

a dace is something you don't want to be called...a dace is someone who makes you /facepalm if someone is being annoying, dumb, mean, selfish, or any negative adjective, they are a dace.may or may not originate from the japanese word "desu", meaning "is". although this would neither make sense considering its sound or meaning, please consider that the originator of this term was, in fact, a dace.

Dacear meaning

The name of a gay boy

daced meaning

To be screwed or killed in a fashion that really sucks. Comes from the austrailian word daceton meaning screwed

Dacee meaning

A boy who is cute af very difficult to deal with but if you come across one and Yall start dating keep him because he is soo charming and sweet he can be an asshole at times but overall when he loves he loves hard and would do anything for the girl that he loves 💙💘

dacent meaning

Word used to describe something that is brilliant.

Daceus meaning

Powerful and gorgeous people

Dacey meaning

Any person who is unable to understand a comment of make a good one.

daceyandalice meaning

Basically a cringey Youtube Chanel that you somehow know about because you are looking it up

daceyvillns meaning

stupid fucked up peeps who cant do shit

däch meaning

By far the most offensive word ever. With origins in the Kurmanji dialect of the Kurdish language, däch is now a world-wide phenomenon, widely used all over the world. It is disputed whether däch can be used an interjection (like fuck), or simply as the more common derogatory term for a person (like bastard). It’s offensiveness, however, is never disputed, and däch is not to be misused.