Dady meaning and definition

Dady meaning

Family name, usually confused with the word DADDY.

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Da dynasty meaning

Gang started in brooklyn,ny by "O" warlord is D.major gang was started for defense of other street rivals gang grew into the bronx,manhattan,atl,n otther parts of brooklyn this was a well respected crew there is also a girl version of this gang

dadzone meaning

The absolute next level of relationship zones. This is to the point past the friendzone, even past the brother zone. The dadzone is a horrible zone - completely impossible to escape. If you reach this zone, there's absolutely nothing going for you.

Dad Zoned meaning

When a girl likes you as a friend so much you become a dad to her. No one's as close to a girl as her dad. The consequence is that no girl wants to hook up for her dad.

DAE meaning

Does Anybody Else

dae 1 status meaning

1. yo very first love! dat one special boi dats always gone be in yo heart and dat one dude dat u always gone choose over any otha nigga! Oh and he always gone be yo man no matta who he go wit or who u go wit. 2. tha dude dat took yo virginity

Daeanaira meaning

Smart, Different, Creative, Funny, Fluffy

daeback meaning

A Korean word meaning awesome.

daebak meaning

The Korean expression to praise something that is big, positive and great. Taeyeon from Korean girl band popularize this word for she often comment on many things that amazed her.

daeborrow meaning

Day + Borrow. It means to borrow your emotions from another day either past or future to satisfy your emotional needs today. This could be done in a negative or positive light.

Daecha meaning

The most perfect girl in the universe. She's beautiful inside and out and her job is making people laugh. Everyone loves her and dreams of meeting her