daft meaning and definition

daft meaning

an expression or state of mind that is ditzy, blank or just plain empty.

daft meaning

crazy, stupid, insane, nuts, moronic, asinine

daft meaning

Inane. A person whose strongly held ideas and beliefs go against common sense.

daft meaning

Stupid, as in 80% of the world's population.

daft meaning

D.A.F.T. - Dumb Ass Fuck Tards

daft meaning

Stupid dumbasses who have no life.

daft meaning

A term, mostly old people use, or like really smart people (like your high english teacher) it is used to describe someone that is odd, or wierd, or just plain stupid!!

Read also:

daft and barmy meaning

Cockney rhyming slang - the army.

Daft Apeth meaning

A Northern (specifically lancastrian) term for a fool, roughly equivalent to the modern term 'muppet' not really and insult, almost a term of endearment Pronounced like 'a-peth' (longish A) Origin: Shortening of a daft 'alfpenny.

daftarse meaning

A person who is silly in such a way and acts like a daftarse.

daftary meaning


Daft bastard meaning

A middle-aged british gambler

daft bint meaning

Naive female, often perceived as stupid. One who would buy Chantelle's biography and label it a "good read".

daftboot meaning

(verb) Pronunciation: /dæftbu:t/ to projectile vomit with an arc of spray greater than 2 radians. The word is a portmanteau of Daft Punk and boot, and refers to especially epic vomit spectacles that mimic Daft Punk's live performances in their grandeur of display. Similarities may be found between the spread of the laser lights and the spread of chunks throughout the area that has been daftbooted upon.

daft cow meaning

Another term for an Aspen.

daft cunt meaning

n. NE England slang term for idiotic dickhead

daft dildo meaning

Someone who is stupid and everything about them is fake. Can be used as an insult or a playful insult when your friend does something stupidDerived from the phrase "Daft dimbo"