dailypoa meaning and definition

dailypoa meaning

One of the best adult sites out there on the web. New pieces of ass posted daily - hence daily piece of ass. www.dailypoa.com

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daily pwnage meaning

1. The art of pwning nubs religiously. 2. Ones obligation and duty to completely obliterate another person, both physically and emotionally, as well as psychologically.

DailyRape meaning

When someone gains acess your dailybooth and puts inappropriate photos there.

% Daily recommended allowance meaning

An experimental 1980 dietary guide based upon the Pritikin Diet fad diet published in 1979.

daily record meaning

some garbage newspaper

daily report meaning

after going munber 2. to tell someone about your bowel movement. the shapes, sizes,colors, and textarity of it all.

daily ricer meaning

contrary to its close relative, the rice rocket, a daily ricer is a car manufactured by Asian automakers with no performance enhancing stickers or giant drag inducing fins. These cars are used most commonly for driving to and from work. Usually powered by small four cylinder engines they are great on fuel and don't cost a lot of money to drive.

daily romer meaning

a routine morning shit

daily scream meaning

A period of the day after school where one breaks the fuck down and screams randomly every day because school is just to fucking hard

daily serving of fruit meaning

A term of endearment of everyone's favorite gay friend; your daily conversation you have with your token gay friend

daily show meaning

satirical news show on comedy central with jon stewart that is extrememly witty.