dangworthy meaning and definition

dangworthy meaning

something that is so out of this world and random you just have to say dangggg!!!

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dangy meaning

something really good; synonymous with hot, tasty, wicked, smokin', or proper.

dangydood meaning

a guy who is straight as fuck, but is ready to suck a dick at any given moment

dang yo meaning

phrase used when you are extremly impressed, shocked, or see some one hot walk by you.

dangzoo meaning

(verb)To find a solution to or work out a puzzle or riddle.

Danh meaning

A Vietnamese last name that means famous, or prestigious.

Dan Haigh meaning

Dan Haigh is the bassist in Post-Hardcore/Metal band, Fightstar. Dan is also Al's best friend in Fightstar and went to school together. Dan has directed many Fightstar videos, and contributes greatly to the band! Dan's birthday is December 5th. I think...

Dan Handing meaning

A young adult which shows much concern for the people around him. He has a great capacity for compassion and patience, even though sometimes, he can be a bit brash. If he is kept in company of one's self, a great feeling will overcome you mind, believed to be realated to happiness. He has an avid belief that all humans are god, thinking and dwelling together on this plane of perception. He is sometimes seen as lucid or farfetched, but will neverhteless leave you feeling comfortable and free.

danhandle meaning

Touching every piece of food available on a platter before making a selection.

Danhandled meaning

To be manhandled by former CBS anchor Dan Rather.

dan haran meaning

Weaboo scrub l0rd