darling meaning and definition

darling meaning

A darling is a person you really appreciate. Could be a great friend or a soon-to-be romantic partner.

darling meaning

1) What a boy says to a girl he likes 2) What a girl says to a boy she likes 3) A term of endearment/ appreciation 4) See honey

darling meaning

A sweetheart. A hubbie. A very close friend.

darling meaning

A term of endearment between couples. Younger couples use the word less since it can sound very patronizing and old. However, it's come a long ways since the 1950's flair it gives out. It has been commonly used in the latest pop/ punk/rock/emo song hits these days. Darling is going to be the next "boo".

darling meaning

the most important thing to me in the world. very clueless but shes still awesome no matter what

darling meaning

a name used between close friends or possibly lovers. Can be boy to girl or girl to boy. When someone calls you darling you don't know if they are saying it in a friendly way...or if they mean it as somthing more.

darling meaning

The most amazing type of woman in the world. Someone you truly adore and is always there to help you through rough times after you help her through hers. Its a mutual completely working relationship. You know someones your darling when you have never argued, or if you have, never about something serious. Also it is mandatory that Darlings have a good taste in music.

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Darling angel meaning

Darling-angel is a word you would use to describe your perfect partner.Darling is used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person. Angel is a guardian spirit or guiding influence, also a gift sent from heaven.If someone is a darling-angel to you, you are completely in love with them or they are not your darling angel. You can have many girls but there is only one darling angel for every one person, you may not know it at first but she will be your bestfriend, sex buddy and your most beautiful woman in the world.

darling antonia meaning

A small gimpy one (person).

Darling Boner meaning

A condition that is caused by the sudden arrival of Darling after an extended period of absence. The last major outbreak of Darling boners occured when he returned from UofT several years ago. Experts believe that Darling boners are expected to become a seasonal outbreak every Christmas and Summer for the next several years.

darling buds meaning

nipples, really nice marijuana buds, an ancient rock band

Darling-Dave meaning

The love of one’s life, one who is adored and revered with the utter most love and respect. The air which fills another’s lungs, the magic in all which is good.

Darlinged meaning

to be followed by a person who is not welcome. This person always calls and includes themselves with the people that do not like them and will often show up in strange places. Person will often make up stories to sound cool or fit in. someone whos girl friend you could easily get with

Darling Ephie meaning

Darling Ephie is one of those Scene Kids on the internet. Shes mostly known by twitter and myspace (though hasn't reached the point of audrey hanna and kiki celibridom) && is known to mostly date asian and white guys.Her dreams are to help peta with protesting against animal cruelty. and is one of the nicest scene kids around.

darlinger meaning

A well appreciated, lovable person. It can be a term of endearment that you can give to your special someone. A cuter way of saying "darling"

darlingmermaid meaning

Someone who wishes their ears to be sexual organs. They often "finger" their ear canals for sexual stimulation. These people are weird. But have you ever had sex with an ear? It is stimulating.

Darling Niki meaning

A blog you read "when you care enough to feign interest". The collection of "regurgitated thoughts brought to you by Darling Niki's erratic psyche, served in digestible nuggets of information". An accidental Xanga celebrity -- often found at the top ten featured premium blogs list -- thanks to loyal readers, drive-by/random proppers and word-of-mouth. A nocturnal freak of nature, transplanted from the islands of the pacific to the vibrant, inspiring, gutwrenching, magical and terrible place that is New York City. Anam cara to Jack. Mommy to Ozzy the pug and to Loki the wolf. Author of many "midnight haikus" and various insomnia-induced poetry. Alpha female and intimidator at the Texas Holdem table. Not to be confused with another "Darling Niki", purveyor of erotic apparel, toys and shoes. Named after the famous Prince song "Darling Nikki", except this one's got one less "K".