EABRO meaning and definition

EABRO meaning

Eat A Big Red One. Similar in use to ESAD

Read also:

EAC meaning

An abbreviation for Evil Atheist Conspiracy, popular on Internet discussion fora.

EA Catch-up Rule meaning

When you are playing a video game and dominating the other team then suddenly the other team starts making a comeback very easily.Originates from EA Sports where this phenomenon was first noticed.

each meaning

When someone bleaches their hair properly, it's bright whitish-yellow all the way through. However, fashion, in all it's glory (sarcastic), has made it stylish to have poorly, half-bleached hair of the colour urine-yellow with black roots. This form of quasi-bleach is known as 'each'/'eaching' your hair.

eacher meaning

An internet contraction of the words "Each other" that can be treated as a noun for the purposes of confusing people.

eachodda meaning

short of " each other" it s used in the colombian english gibberish

eachself meaning

A pronoun. For example used to describe the seating arrangement where you have accidentally booked yourself twice onto the same budget airline flight.

each time meaning

Every single occurrence

eacle meaning

Eacle is a word that user "Mengxiang" made on Draw Something. It's used as gibberish, and has no meaning whatsoever, apart from being a filler word and Mengxiang's catchphrase. Pronounced "Ee-chul", "Ee-Shul" or "Ee-cul".

eactly meaning

a lazy nonchalant version of exactly, precisely... a sign of indefinite need for sleep when your fingers are too tired to type and x is neglected - your body is crying out for attention the britney spears of typing errors

E-Actor meaning

Someone who acts like someone they're not in real life.