Eadwine meaning and definition

Eadwine meaning

A term that is used to describe a mentally retarded prostitute which whom will fuck anything in his or her path

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Eady meaning

An embarassing act, or to say something embarassing, or someone who oftens preforms embarassing acts.

eadyn meaning

A young beautiful girl. Most often redhead or raven haired. Funny, skinny, big-chested, and very beautiful. One of the most beautiful creatures on earth. Hense the name Eadyn pronounced ēden. Like the paradise garden. Most gorgeous.

EAE meaning

Emergency Anal Evacuation

eaeaea meaning

Wonderful in every way.

EAEP meaning

Easy access easy pussy

EAF meaning

it means "easy and fast"

eafd meaning

Eat A Fat Di*k.

E-Affair meaning

An E-affair is one where two married people in separate marriages are "involved" through text, phone calls, emails, FB, yahoo, any social networking yet do not engage in sex. Their relationship can be that of sharing intimate issues with each others spouse or a desire to be with the other person. This can involve sharing videos, pictures, web cams, sextexting, or phone sex.

e-affectionate meaning

Being affectionate via internet.

eaffle meaning

a bird in Latin America that is spreading across the whole world. The have a remarkable taste, much like the 'waffle'.