ear candling meaning and definition

ear candling meaning

An alternative medicine practice claimed to assist in clearing earwax and remove toxins from a person's ear by lighting one end of a hollow candle and placing the other end in the ear canal. According to medical researchers, it is dangerous and ineffective.

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ear candy meaning

Derived from the term "eye candy." Refers to music that is catchy and pleasurable to listen to but lacks depth, often both musically and lyrically. Ear candy lacks any form of complexity and is intellectually uninteresting. Top 40 hits almost always fall into this category.

ear chandelier meaning

A long, dangling earring that contains long strands of shiny metal and/or gemstones. Very much adds to a woman's look, and frames her face and smile.

Ear Check meaning

Similar to a meat check.To roughly punch one in the ear.

ear cheddar meaning

The "surprise" you get when gauging your ear lobes to anything larger than a 2 gauge. It's a nasty crust on your overly large earrings. Smell is between a cats ass and something that might have died 12 weeks ago.

Ear Cheese meaning

The funky smelling junk that comes from ear or other body piercings after not removing/cleaning your holes/piercings for some time.

earcher meaning

Earch or Earching or Earcher - Meanng to serach or basically just bogan aorund all day for a specific purpose.. A graffiti adlay earcher ersonpay, will generally be earchinfor paint suply and posi's to do pieces or to bomb. A homeless earchin cunt , will earch all day for mony and ciggarette butts.

earchops meaning

When the hair growing out of your ears is thick and bushy enough to look like so called "porkchop" sideburns.

eärcked meaning

Main Entry: eärcked Pronunciation: eärcked Function: intransitive verb Etymology: Old Norse freta, often vulgar 4: to become confused or make an error 5:

Ear-cleaners meaning

When you use a penis to clean someones ears out.

Earcne meaning

When you get acne in or on your ear(s).