F7U12 meaning and definition

F7U12 meaning

Simply put, it's a shortened version of FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU. 7 F's and 12 U's. Any more than that and you're doing it wrong.

Read also:

f8 meaning

Bisexual. F8 being the shortened form of "faight", which combines the two words "straight" and "fag".

f8cbon35 meaning

F8cbonr being the leet speak for face boner.

F8ed meaning

to be chroniced outta yo mind'.F+eight+ed= Faded

f8l3rr0r meaning

fatal error. see also l33t

f8ry meaning

G0y men who feel different about sexual identity and gender expression. F8ries are against both oral and anal sex. Reject the worship of heterosexuality and materialism. Feels gender is expression is personal and should not be judged.

f9 meaning

to reject

f90 meaning

The noob-iest gun on Socom 3. Sub-machine gun that's only available on the terrorist side but some faggy Seals will pick them up after they kill a terrorist with an M67 or something.

F9er meaning

The act of "F9ing" someone on chat roulette, usually done when some dude is jacking off.

f9z meaning

Norwegian term for giggling: fnise, "f-ni-se" = f-9-z

FA meaning

A generalized term that furries use to refer to the website www.furaffinity.net