Faaff meaning and definition

Faaff meaning

When said quickly, an inoffensive way to advise someone to 'Fuck Off'. Best used discretely so that only people close to you can hear it, and not the intended victim. Even funnier when the intended victim THINKS they can hear it, but can't be sure, so they take no action. However, if victim is being a complete tosser, best to shout it as loud as possible in order to deliver as much offence as possible. Number of 'a' letters contained in word is directly proportional to how much you want the individual to fuck off.

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faag meaning

An abbreviation for "Far Away Attractive Guy/Girl." When a guy/girl is attractive but once you see them up close they aren't as attractive as you thought.

faagen-dazs meaning

Pronounced Fog-in-doss. A way of calling someone a faggot. A word play off the ice cream Haagen-Dazs.

faagh meaning

the sound that a person makes as they tackle someone in a sideways like jump. (pronounced faaaaa)

faah meaning

Stands for "fucking annoying as hell" and you can say it in a polite way where no one has any idea what you are calling them. And if they ask you what it means simply say, "fucking attractive as hell." Great cover up and insult.

faahyut meaning

Way of sayingg "Faggot", an abreviation often used by drunk Bostonians, or Chicagans.

faaip de oaid meaning

Is Enochian for 'The Voice of God'.

faaiz meaning

Amazing male. Will fall in love with a female starting with a G. Humble, very caring. Old people love him. Amazing in bed, very attractive, will give multiple orgasms.

Faaizah meaning

A name meaning a slutty female suicide bomber.

FAAK meaning

a Belfast Terminoligy - akin to Fuck, but used in the phrase or as commonly locally spelt(FRASE) FAAK

faaki marna meaning

Hindi phrase.Doing something without interest, more often out of laziness. Willingly avoid the regular work.