G4U meaning and definition

G4U meaning

When someone is bragging about something, G4U is used so you don't have to say, "good for you," which can make it sound like you don't care depending on the situation.

G4U meaning

A sarcastic way of congratulating someone.

G4U meaning

good for you...usually when congratulating some1

Read also:

g4x meaning

Hacker slang for "hax" derived from the original, "h4x"

g4y meaning

Guns 4 Youths. Hard as nails Counter Strike clan who DARE you to call them g4y!

G5 meaning

A type of dance that involves bending of the knees and Tpain.

G500 meaning

Gelandewagen. Quasi-SUV built by Mercedes-Benz. Originally made for European military forces, demand was so popular that they were offered to the European public, much like the Hummer H1 was in America. Until recently, was only available in comtinental Europe. Currently built in limited quantities. The exterior styling of the vehicle has basically remained unchanged since 1976, but apparently, it performs quite well off-road. Now one of the most popular vehicles with Hip-Hop stars, mainly because of their roominess and relatively expensive price tags.

g54o meaning

it is the type of sickness that you get before a big gig of competition

G5 uber fuck meaning

What you do when you make your girlfriend cum more than 5 times in one fucking.

G5 uber rape meaning

A high level of sexual activity. A strong fucking or high level of intimacy. Also you can just say G5

G6 meaning

A shitty piece of musical composition usually accompanied by illiterate intercity children and oral sex.

g60 meaning

super charger found in some corrados and golfs; see grenade.

G6 Mogul meaning

Being extremely over confident, or very full of yourself. Having an excessive amount of money, so much it goes to your head! Feeling as if you are better than the average Joe. Having swag, or thinking you have swag.