Gafooning meaning and definition

Gafooning meaning

Staring at another persons private parts in a perverted lustful rapey manor

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Gaforkle meaning

To 'Gaforkle' something, you have to REALLY screw it up. Badly.

Gaf Party At The House meaning

Gaf Party A Big Huge House Party.

gafquat meaning

Its a queef and a fart at the same time.

gafr meaning

gafr= get a fuckin' room.

gafraggle meaning

To spin around and penetrate anally.

Gafrican meaning

A Ginger African- The literally most rare thing you might find on the planet, when found please handle with great care as they are frightened easily. The may be offended easily or frightened and will most likely scatter away if the believe they are being discriminated.

gafrich meaning

Gafrich means somthing that is stupid, ugly, unpopular, or retarded. It basically can be used to put anything down.

gafridge meaning

Ga-fridge: In the US a refrigerator is also known as a fridge. Many households in the US have an extra refrigerator in the garage to keep beer, drinks, and leftovers. Gafridge denotes this location so people can concisely inform others where the beer is.

GAFSOH meaning

Get a Fucking sense of humor

Gaft meaning

Some one who acts Gay like