Garboned meaning and definition

Garboned meaning

To be lazy

Read also:

garboni meaning

ass hair

garbonics meaning

Free-form rhythm based music from beats played on ordinary, non-instrumental objects, such as garbage cans.

garbonzo meaning

to insert the penis into the partner's nose

garboo meaning

Form of the word garbage, used primarily by rich people who are disgusted by everything normal, like garbage.

garbooble bobbler meaning

The best bowl we ever had Shannon killed it though :'(

garboodle meaning

Consisting of the words "garbage" and "poodle" mashed together, garboodle is an ugly looking poodle. Some common characterestics of ugly poodles are: 1) Big foofy balls (as seen in dog shows) 2) Dirty poodles 3) A poodle with a disfunctional personality, ie. yapping.

garboon meaning

to covertly sniff a ladies bicycle seat

Garboone meaning

When you fart so hard you accidently release a turd.

garbooner meaning

Large cigarette of excellent Marijuana

garboonery meaning

Constant and usually uncontrolled use of the word "garboon".