G13-Haze meaning and definition

G13-Haze meaning

It's a type of marijauna, that has been crossed with G13 (govenmentally grown marijuana), and Haze.

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g 14 meaning

Classified information. Need to know basis only.

G14 classified meaning

G14 is the General Service Administration number format for a Large Sedan, whom service Government Vehicles.

g18 meaning

To fapp (jerk off) constantly

g19 meaning

G19 is a Glock 19 compact 15rd 9mm very accurate and extremely reliable handgun. The order of Glocks in 9mm are G17 which is the full-sized and most common in the law enforcement world, G18 which is unavailable in the USA and is a select full-auto pistol, the G19 which is currently probably the most common Glock 9mm in the civilian market. It's compact frame and high magazine capacity makes it a dream intermediate round chambered pistol. The smallest of Glock's 9mm's is the G26 (subcompact). This small 10+1 capacity firearm is decent, but still heavy and bulky. 9mm is a lot of ppl's favorite round bc of manageable recoil, effectiveness, and reliability. ALL Glocks are loved for simplicity, accuracy, and ultimate reliability.

g1bf meaning

"Good one big fella"

G1 Junkie meaning

A person who is obsessed with Transformers G1, disliking all other series of Transformers in favor for the original series. Also known as a GEE-WUNNER.

G1 Megatron meaning

Allegiance: Decepticon Sub-groups: Corny 80s Villains Anonymous Function: Wimp "Decepticons, RETREAT!" The most feared Decepticon to ever exist... if you're half-drunk and have the physical strength of a housefly. Megatron has a fusion cannon and the ability to completely miss any target who has a toy still in production, and a penchant for inane plans that three-year olds could counter-- interestingly, it always take the Autobots 25 minutes to counter them. Hmmmmm...

G1O meaning

verb; short for "grinding one out". This is what a guy tells his friends in the presence of a member of the opposite sex as to not advertise that they need to go #2 in a public and potentially embarrasing place. Caution: Female will ask what was just said. It is the friends job to quickly change the subject and keep her busy so she doesn't suspect where you have gone for longer than it takes to piss.

G1 Purist meaning

A transformer fan who hates anything that isn't the original series. G1 purists tend to be quite annoying and unreasonable.

G2 meaning

Gatoraid mixed with vodka (preferably Vladamire)