gack meaning and definition

gack meaning

Methamphetamine (crank, speed). Describes the gag reflex triggered by the extreme burning sensation of the nasal passages when the drug is snorted, and the very bitter taste as it drains down the back of the throat.

gack meaning

Any amount of useless or unwanted stuff (usually regarding possesions)

gack meaning

1.A term used for the Drug Crystal Meth Amphetamine2A some what derogatory name for person under the influence of crystal meth.

gack meaning

The sound made by an individual who is in the process of sucking dick. Typically a gagging sound made from the throat.

gack meaning

To get messed up in the process of putting the team on your back and still going out like a champ.

gack meaning

A word or sound muttered/or written by Professors of Anatomy and Physiology when proper terminlogy is not used. Also used un situations of extreme exacerbation.

gack meaning

Contraction for go back.

Read also:

gackaddict meaning

some one that does alot of meth, same as gackaholic. from the words "gacked" an "addict". to be said as a joke.

gackaholic meaning

someone that does alot of crystalmeth. from the words "gacked" and "alcoholic". to be said as a joke to someone.

Gackalof meaning

A creature from outer space brought down to earth by an anonamys man, they now are very popular but no one knows it. The writer of this definition is a Gackalof, they are much like humans.

gackaroobieboobie meaning

a gackaroobieboobie is when, for example you use a public toilet and after abluting, you cannot open the door as you are in the way, meaning you are trapped behind the open door.

gackballs meaning

When a person is very gacked the viens in the eyeballs become very red and prominent and these are known as gackballs

Gack Bar meaning

Dirty hash

gack blowing meaning

The practise of filling a drinking straw with Cocaine, inserting one end into a willing anus and then blowing the cocaine into the Ass. Not caught on too much this, however a longer high and better use of the Coke can be had up the arse, then nasally, apparently.......

Gacked meaning

High on Cocaine.

Gacked Mouth meaning

The nasty taste in ones mouth caused when meth is smoked and dissolved into the gums then slowly comes out and coats the inside of the mouth.

gacked out meaning

To be real real real high, on meth, crack, PCP or whatever gets you fuzzy!