gafia meaning and definition

gafia meaning

Acronym standing for Getting Away From It All, used in science fiction fandom and coined in 1940 by Dick Wilson. When it was first coined, it meant a fan who was getting away from mundane persuits to engage in fan activities, but in a very short period it flip-flopped in meaning and was thereafter used to mean leaving fan activities behind to pursue real-world endeavors. See also: "gafiate".

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gafiate meaning

Verb form of the acronym GAFIA, which in sf fan use stands for "Getting Away From It All." The shorter term "gafia" was coined by sf fan Dick Wilson and used as early as 1940 when there was a Loyal and Benevolent Order of Gafia. Originally intended to mean fans "getting away" from mundane activities to participate in fandom, it quickly flip-flopped and became the reverse -- fans who gave up fandom for more real world pursuits.

gafigglegafuffin meaning

Generally associated with the butt-sack are nearby areas. Also to be associated with AIDS and other STD's. -McZombieMan

gafiltafish meaning

Device used to filter out unwanted conservation from bitch niggas

gafinator meaning

someone who is really gay;fag; also someway to call someone a fag without saying it.

GAFing meaning

GAFing is the direct opposite of DGAF or DGAFing. If you are familiar with the SoCal culture, DGAF stands for "Don't Give A Fuck", and therefore GAFing means "Giving A Fuck". The DGAF culture tries to act nonchalant in their attitude towards the world. They act like they will do anything, and won't give a fuck if they get caught or cause others harm or desperation. It's a lifestyle that is completely contradicted by those who "GAF". The people who "GAF" are those who give a fuck about the world, and their life. These people are not reckless. They stop at stop signs. They don't do drugs or shoot people. They recycle. "GAFing" goes against everything that SoCal culture is, and is completely and utterly unacceptable everywhere from Los Angeles and south of there. People who "GAF" are most likely elderly people, middle-aged adults with children, and teenagers who hit puberty late, go to church, and are too cautious for their own good.

Gafl meaning

Gafl = Get A Fucking Life Used often when people use irc.

GAFLA meaning

Extension of Get a Fucking Life --- Asshole.Often used in combination

Gaflakapus meaning

1.An Awkwardly Wide Vagina

Gaflarkle meaning

To have slightly tender feelings but no so much so that it's anything weird.

gaflb meaning

Get a Fucking Life Bitch