gain account meaning and definition

gain account meaning

An account used to gain followers

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gainal meaning

the act of working out or exercising during anal sex.

Gainalsex meaning

Anal sex performed for financial gain.

GAINAX meaning

a japanese company that directs, produce and makes anime its is also have shop that sells anime accessories.gainax made anime such as FLCL(furiKuri),Gunbuster, Neon genesis Evangelion,The Wings of Honneamise,The Secret of Blue Water,Nadia and some others.

gainax bounce meaning

An anime related term. The Gainax Bounce refers to the way a female's breasts move when she appears on screen. Usually the breasts are oversized for the body and bounce as if the character has no bra under their clothing.

Gainax Ending meaning

When an anime decides to build you up and attach you to a character or host of characters, only to violently rip them away from you in the end of the series, leaving you with no closure. It seems Gainax has a knack for producing animes that follow this trend. Neon Genesis Evangelion and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan are a few examples of gainax productions that do this, however you may use the term to describe any anime that does this. Common among mech animes.

Gainaxing meaning

A law of physics generally attributed to Anime, in which breasts move independent of gravity and jiggle absurdly with even the smallest motion.

gainbang meaning

a party centered around huge portions of high protein, muscle building food

gaincarlo meaning

He is the nicest kindest guy i have ever meet.Also he is funny.

Gain Cocaine meaning

Powder-form weightlifting supplements.I.e. Pre-workout, protein, or BCAA's.

Gain Control meaning

When a weed smoker recovers from a fit of struggling.