galion meaning and definition

galion meaning

Whiteyville usa where in the 2000 census it was 98.28% white The only non white people they ever see is on TV and they do love to remember the good old days back in 85' when they beat youngstown cardinal mooney 6-0 in state football championships..24 years later nothing monumental has happened

galion meaning

Known by surrounding cities for it's high rate of stoners. If you ain't dealin', you smokin'. And if you ain't smokin', you're a Republican. Often referred to as "G-town." Most people here are here because they are stuck.

galion meaning

one of many small, unknown towns in ohio. (possibly THE smallest and most unknown) known for nothing other than corn. and mullets. and toothless people. local lore: many years ago, the high school football team was damn good. some old timers have fantastic stories about the year they won the championship. since then, all they do is cry.

galion meaning

Adjective describing all things trashy, prepubescent, chach-esque, and any other crappy traits.(Referring to a small town in Ohio).

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Galipernites meaning

A name given to a highly annoying oaf who uses incorrect or confused historical references to pompously get their point across. Often, the point being made is silly or meaningless.

galis meaning

1. In ancient cultures, a very highly regarded person. 2. Intelligent, Smart.

galist meaning

meaning a playa,sumbody who plays sumbody n uses dem.

Galit meaning

A pretty Jewish girl, a quirky but happy person. Loves fashion and grace, strives on kindness and love. Most likely to grow up in the UK, a writer or pilot by nature.

galita meaning

A woman who is great at head. Who can get wet on command. And can smoke out any nigga.

galite meaning

a short person with anger issues and likes to be in charge. she tends to like animals and loves socializing, she very sadistic and will show no mercy.

galitskiy meaning

The galitskiy is the unit of sunshine (propensity to be egotistical). It is named after a well-known and loved physics teacher. If you exceed one galitskiy in sunshine, you are a "sunshine boy", because you think the sun follows right behind you at all times. It is a logarithmic scale; one additional galitskiy is ten times as much sunshine. It works like pH.

galitus meaning

n. The section of deli meat that extends beyond the bread in a sandwich. Galitus does not include cheese or other toppings on the sandwich and only includes sandwiches (not hamburgers, wraps, etc.)

galivan meaning

A Galivan is a boy or boys who enjoy crappy music and can't settle on one car. Galivans typically don't cut their hair and love wearing women's skinny jeans. If you were to see a galivan in public today, they would look like a normal boy with a mullet and a dirt stache. But beware, they smoke like a chimney and tell really bad jokes.

galivant meaning

To roam around in search of pleasure.