gamestop meaning and definition

gamestop meaning

A store where you can't just go in, buy a game and leave without being harrassed about other stuff. Customer: Hi, I'd just like to buy Gears of War 2. GameStop Employee: Alright. Would you like to get the regular version, or the special limited edition with the cool artwork and the metal box and the holographic trading cards and the extra DVD included for $10 more? Customer: The regular version is fine. GameStop Employee: Would you like to get the used version for $54.99 instead of $59.99? Customer: Well... no, not really. GameStop Employee: Would you like to get the strategy guide for $19.99? Customer: No thank you. GameStop Employee: Do you have an Edge card? Customer: No. GameStop Employee: Good, because you can sign up for an Edge card for $19.99. You can use the Edge card to get more store credit for your trade-ins. You can use it to get discounts when you buy used games. Plus it comes with Game Informer magazine, which is the best magazine ever. Customer: No thanks, not right now. GameStop Employee: We're also now taking pre-order reservations for Halo Wars, Street Fighter IV, Madden 2010, Resident Evil 5, and a bunch of other games that come out 2 years from now. For $5 down. Customer: NO! GameStop Employee: But it guarantees you a copy on the day the game is released. Customer: I've bought plenty of games on the day it came out without reserving. Unless it's something like Halo, chances are the game will be available. Can I just buy my game? GameStop Employee: Do you want to add a warranty to the game for $5 in case anything happens to it? Customer: Do you want to shut the fuck up? I just want to buy the fucking game. GameStop Employee: Do you have any used games to trade in for this purchase? Customer: NO, MOTHERFUCKER! GameStop Employee: Want any free 6-month subscriptions to any of the following magazines? You can pick two. Customer: JUST CHARGE ME FOR THIS SHIT SO I CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. GameStop Employee: Okay, here you go. Oh, and one more thing, at the bottom of your receipt is a website you can visit where you can enter to win a free game system of your choice. Customer: ...

gamestop meaning

The most evil corporation in the world. They buy back used videogames for less than a dollar and then procede to sell them back at ten times that cost.

gamestop meaning

A videogame store where at least one under qualified female is hired per store as by law. Not for their knowledge of video games but their bra size and Hooters experience. Most games that they are aware of start with NBA or WWF and are hired in the masses by the lonely, lonely Store Managers. See EBgames or Dumb Blonde

gamestop meaning

1. Sells a "discount card" that simply removes the tax from any purchase and adds a paltry amount to the already undervalued trade-ins. 2. Can't be bothered to produce mock display cases, so they open a new copy and use that. 3. Considers the potential rental(s) of said copies by employees, to not count toward considering the game "used" and proceeds to sell the above mentioned copies "as new". 4. Many employees are so casual they'll stand around talking and playing PSPs while customers wait. 5. Will buy a used game that sold for $59.99 last week, for $12.00 (credit) then, sell it for $55.00. 6. Apply a penalty of -20% for cash trade-ins. 7. Used game prices for new games are only five dollars less than new. 8. Do not take cases, books, maps, other pack-ins into consideration no matter how important, when considering price for used merchandise.

gamestop meaning

A video game store whose main objective is to piss you off as much as possible in the short amount of time you're in the store. You'd think for such a big name that Gamestop employees would be very helpful and nice. Well you thought wrong, my friend. If you ever want to return a game, buy a game, reserve a game, or do anything related to video games make sure to go ANYWHERE but Gamestop. They just love to rip you off, persuade you to NOT buy what you want to buy because they don't like it, and just screw you over in general.

gamestop meaning

a place of business, often filled with nerds who discuss specific battles they've had with sephiroth, fat women who live in trailors and smack their kids for throwing a box of yu-gi-oh cards across the room, fat men who don't know what they want but want it RIGHT NOW, and employees who hate their lives.

gamestop meaning

A place where you go to get raped in the ass when all you wanted to do was buy a video game. If you attempt to buy anything, the employees will rip your heart out with their eyes when you decide to not purchase the extended warranty/strategy guide/used version of said item.

Read also:

GameStop Cool meaning

Cool, as defined by those who frequent GameStop. (aka, not cool)

Game Stopental meaning

Buying a Used Game Stop video game in order to exploit the 7 day return policy, thus playing the game for free.

gamestop friend meaning

A guy who works at gamestop who u only talk to at gamestop.

Gamestop Gary meaning

Gay loves to suck on dick. Loves gay sex and Xbox. Want to have sex with diffusion techs Blair and Mel

Game Stop Goddess meaning

Average to decent looking girls who work at Game Stop (or any other work place such as retail, restaurants, offices) where they end up getting a lot of attention from guys, due to the fact that they are the only girls in the store.

gamestop kid meaning

That one nerdy kid you see running around to class at school who will probably work at gamestop in the future.

GameStopped meaning

Shameless harassment of a customer by a cashier in the checkout line at any retailer for purchasing useless add-ons, warranties, or other junk that you could really care less about.Named for the bullying of customers by GameStop employees to by Game Informer when you just want to pay for your video game and leave.

Gamestopper meaning

Noun Person Some one who only buys mainstream games from game stop and only game stop. This person only plays mainstream games because in their eyes, only mainstream is cool. They only use Console platforms. (Xbox, PS3) They hold all mainstream shooters in high regards.Gamestoppers love Call of Duty and HaloAntonyms - Hipster

gamestop rental meaning

The act of going to gamestop and buying(renting) a used game and returning it within 7 days for a full refund.

Game Storm meaning

A multi-day marathon of gaming (usually video games) amongst at least 4 individuals (usually men aged 18-29) in which all other responsibilities are put aside for the duration. Usually centered around PC games with all individuals playing as a team giving them the upper hand in competitive online games due to their face-to-face communication medium. A single console game is often chosen in order to allow participants a change of scenery every few hours. Due to the extensive distancing from reality a Game Storm is usually an annual event in order to preserve the participant's sense of social responsibility and physiological well being.A single 1hr exercise break is offered (and encouraged) each day throughout the event.