gang skrape meaning and definition

gang skrape meaning

Where skrape is committed by more than one person within a conference call

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gangsky meaning

when someone is too cool to do something that everyone else does

gang slit meaning

When 5 or more people engage in the slitting of one individual. Usually the slitting lasts approximately 3 minutes depending on the level of screaming of the victim.

gang slitting meaning

when someone decides its a smart idea to join two rival gangs at the same time

GANG SLUT meaning

A woman (or man) that is required to perform sex acts on members of the gang on command. If female, she more than likely has several children from different members of the gang, lives on welfare, has at least one STD and could be on probation.

gang smack meaning

A gang smack is more than 3 people simultaneously slap-harassing the crap out of someone, or 5 guys doing crack together.

gangsnerd meaning

Someone who is nerdy but has the qualities or ability to be gangster.

gangsnicity meaning

to wear a hat crooked with glasses and give "the guns"

Gangs of Dissent meaning

An online network thats sole purpose is to show people the power of freewill and to never hold back. Police and teachers are the main focus of the group. It is commonly spelt as an acrynomn, GOD.

Gang Spaff meaning

another term for bukkake. When a group of males gather around and spaff in the face of a female.

Gang-spammed meaning

When you're email inbox gets spammed by so many different, frustrating and random emails that it feels like you're being sexually violated. Especially frustrating when you get so congested that you can't pack anymore in.Unless of course, you're into that sort of thing...