gast meaning and definition

gast meaning

gast is the welsh translation of the english word 'bitch'

gast meaning

When one is being extremely gay

gast meaning

State of being FARTED upon by an extremely obese man.

gast meaning

A man with a rather large stomach

Read also:

gasta meaning

wen sum one is gna go or has to go

gastad meaning

(v) totally beyond kick ass

gastaldi meaning

Gastaldi is generally a girl that loves blowjobbing every boy she meets(she needs at least 3 boy per day). Besides she likes doing strange sexual game with everybody (also with girl).

gastamate meaning

fart or burb

Gas Tank meaning

The act of a women giving oral sex, but instead of spitting or swallowing she just lets her moth fill up with the mans cum.

gastankaliner meaning

gas truck a word used by Alice G

Gastankometer meaning

The thing in your car that tells you how much gas you have left. The gas gauge.

Gas Tank Penis meaning

A penis the size of a hugeee gas tankalso called just "GTP"

Gastano meaning

A woman who is a super bitch. Her hair is looks like 1000 birds shited in it.

Gas Tap meaning

Someone who lies or says something that really couldn't possibly happen.