gathers meaning and definition

gathers meaning

London word for Police... They "Gather you up" to arrest you

gathers meaning

verb- the act of collecting fruits, berries, and nuts into a satchel of some sort. Someone who performs this act is referred to as a gatherer. Typically humans who are named Wayne or have the surname Wayne tend to be the better gatherers. Such gatherers also gather themselves, their satchels, and many and much moments. Some gatherers in the pop culture world include Wayne Brady and Satchel Paige.

gathers meaning

To "Gather," is the act, of recovering, after a most embarrassing mistake or "slip-up."Or to recollect, oneself.

gathers meaning

The local constables. They gather you up.

gathers meaning

a gay loud mouth fagot

gathers meaning

when a group of game players form a 10 man pug (5v5)with a cool admin that bans hax

gathers meaning

When a person tries to come for you or question you and your authority, you retaliate with pure indiscriminate justice. This often times makes the victim embarrassed, ashamed or belitted.

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Gatherty meaning

Its a cross between a party and a gathering: .Doesn't require invitation but does have a host. .May not be in a hall or function room but may have music playing and require dancing. .A Gatherty can be themed e.g fancy dress, cherades etc... .Not necessarily fixed in one location, e.g a group may floww into the street or a park and still be participating in gatherty-ness. .Gatherties are normaly not an event celebrating something and there is not a dress code except for themed gatherties.

Gatherwizard meaning

The term Gatherwizard comes from an online gaming site called RuneScape. Gatherwizards are well known for their good looks and awesome personalitys.They are also star poker players.

gather your grapes meaning

Get your shit together

Gatherz meaning

A PimP ass Mofo Mackin Dem Bitches Pimp Fo reel YEA

gat hews meaning

GHAT-whos a less obnoxious word that refers to the homosexual behaviours of an isreali male. often used in the ghetto, or Rundlett.

Gathic meaning

A gothic person who HAPPENS to be catholic.

gathlete meaning

Portmanteau of 'gay' and 'athlete'.Used affectionately to describe any openly gay athlete... especially the super foxy ones.

Gatho meaning

Shortening of the word Gathering. Its like a party but smaller, usually with alcohol, and on the occasion drugs.

Gathukimundu meaning

A funny blogger from Kenya

Gathural meaning

Picturesqe, able to take a photo of very easy