Habbo Credits meaning and definition

Habbo Credits meaning

A form of money used on Habbo Hotel

Habbo Credits meaning

Money On All The Hotels, Costing Real Money

Habbo Credits meaning

Something that only complete idiots buy!

Habbo Credits meaning

Currency used on the famous Habbo Hotel. You can buy them on house phone (for the sneaky kids who put it all on their parents' phonebills) by text message (this is the method the Habbo Hotel staff use to recieve the money, send back a code in which the child can type into a hard-to-find box on the Hotel, press a button, and gain some credits. By this time the child has either forgotton the code and deleted the text, or forgotton what to do altogether) or Splash Plastic (for the peadophiles who remain the only ones who bother using this).

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habbo dating meaning

When a boy and a girl (or two boys or girls if they're gay) start dating on Habbo. They usually do not and never will know each other in real life, but they do "real life" activities, such as going on dates, having sex, getting married and "having" babies. Overall, habbo dating isnt that bad, but personally I dont do it much, i'd rather have a real boyfriend than a habbo one.

Habbodite meaning

The most disgusting thing ever. The basis for 'The Habbodite Game'.When a man takes a freshly aborted fetus and inserts his penis through any hole with enough force to rupture the abdomen. Using this new corridor he then grips the fetus and uses it to masturbate to completion.

Habboed meaning

When a computer is running slow because of too much habbo.

Habbo Elite Police Force meaning

An online police department dedicated to protecting Habbos from bullying and scamming. It was founded November 2005 by the two users, ThunderwolfX and carstud. To this day, there are over 40,000 members. It is the biggest name in Habbo law enforcement due to their different yet secure Headquarters and helpful, loyal, and dedicated members. The staff is broken down into various divisions and ranks all doing different jobs.

HabboForum meaning

A place where gays, emos, punks and nerds get together and rant and rave about 'issues' of the day. DJMO is a arrogant nerd. There mods like katy ect ect are all try hard emo nerds who need a life and and stop baning people for no reason.

Habbo Group Forum meaning

One of the best groups to talk to people on. It has a variety of users, ranging from the mentally insane to the mentally retarded. This group on Habbo USA has a bunch of people who will attack you at first, but after a while of you being there, they die off and you become "one of them."Being a forumer makes you "cool" (that's what they claim.) If you're a member of Habbo Hotel USA and you've never forumed once since you've joined Habbo, then I suggest you do it.Most of the people on Forum are: Natasha, Jake, Amanda, Dylan, Earl, Chris, Beckie, Courtney, Luis, Kathya, Luis (Yes there are two), Jesse, Travis and a few "forumfags" that are new-ish that I cbf getting to know. People on Forum will tend to be ignorant and harass you out of nowhere at random times. If you're not careful, they'll also back stab you, so watch out who you become friends with.

habbo hackers meaning

Some shitty mc. shit shit 10 year olds that are too lazy to buy their own furni and coins. I had 3 hands of furni an dit tok me liek a fking year to have all that furni. Then 4 months later, some shitface habbo hacker hacks account, deletes my rooms and steals my hands of furni. AND I HAD FUCKING RAREZ TOO. DUMB HABBO HACKERZ. HACKERZ CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES.AND THE THING ABOUT SULAKE IS THAT THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU LOS EYOUR FURNI OR NOT. THEY'L JUST TELL YOU TO BUY MORE FUCKIGN FURNI. HABBO IS SO GAY, AND I QUIT IT.

Habbo Hotel meaning

It is a virtual hotel that gets you sucked in and makes you buy fake furniture and makes you spend over $100 on fake furniture. This place really sucks.

habbo hut meaning

A annoying habbo fansite. the radio gets 2 listeners a show and all the DJs are rubbish. They think there setting up a dj career.Most of the DJs are 10 and there annoying. Like Brandon. The site is rubbish as they cant be bothered to code a full site. Habbo hut is just a annoying site and it should get shut down as its a disgrace. Most of the members smell.

Habboink meaning

Sad, lonely teenagers who can't get any action in the real world so they pretend to have sex on the the social networking site Habbo.