IADMTOMP meaning and definition

IADMTOMP meaning

I Accidentally Dropped My Taco On My Poncho

Read also:

i adore you meaning

Miley cyrus's way of saying im desprate for a boyfriend, i need u!

IADRTM meaning

Text shorthand to announce to someone that "I am definitely ready to meet/meetup."

IADS meaning

"Individuals Above Dating Society" Used as the title of a group or club. Can also be used to refer to someone who is constantly single. (Singular: IAD Plural: IADS) Pronounced: I. A. D. S. ; ee-ah-ds/ee-ah-d

IAE meaning

IAE means I am epic or a short way of saying good and heroic.

iaebc meaning

it aint easy bein cheesy this was a cheetos brand commercial that ran with the slogan it aint easy bein cheesy

iaf meaning

Acronym for I am fucked.

IAFDA meaning

acronym for I'm A fucking Dumb Ass. I.A.F.D.A

iafi meaning

im a fucking idiot

iafolla meaning

A furry italian who is self-proclaimed awesome

Iafrate meaning

From Italian : uno dei fratello. One who is like a brother, trustworthy and loyal. Also one of the original brothers. Or to be like a whirlwind phenomenon, all encompassing.