ialllrn meaning and definition

ialllrn meaning

abbreviation for "i am like legitly laughing right now". using this acronym, you can still use "lol"(laugh out loud) in ackward or boring situations, because honestly, nobody is actualling laughing out loud when they say "lol". so ialllrn is the new "lol" but it means you actually are laughing out loud. just watch, it will catch on(:

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i almost got head meaning

to almost get head, to fail to recieve head

IALN meaning

1. An acronym used in place of lol meaning "I am laughing now." 2. Can also be found in forms of IALHN meaning "I am laughing hard now."

ialol meaning

used on text or aim, meaning i actually laughed out loud

I already did meaning

The single most epic phrase ever to be spoken by a human being. You can't explain I already did or understand it, you can only just simply use it. I already did is the answer to anything and everything in life like, "why is the sky blue?", "Why do women hate sex?", and "If you had 37 pies, and half of them taste good, how many do you have sex with?"

I already got like five meaning

If someone makes you an offer and you wish to decline say this.

I already had him meaning

Previously defeated the person in question.


I Am Laughing So Hard I Am Peeing In My Pants

IALTO meaning

I Am Like That Only

ialwaysgetblamedforit meaning

When someone is the victim of getting blamed for everything

ialy meaning

I'll always love you