JRNY meaning and definition

JRNY meaning

A common abbreviation of the name of the 70's/80's rock band Journey. This abbreviation appears on the band's "Raised on Radio" album cover showing a radio station building emblazoned with the letters JRNY. This was also a common way of abbreviated the band's name on license plates of fanatics (as seen on the insert on their "Greatest Hits Live" CD).

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JrNYLC meaning

Junior National Young Leaders Confrence. Is a one week event where outstanding students from across the country go to for there wonderful leadership skills.

JRO meaning

The Japanese version of RO(Ragnarok online)

J-Rob meaning

an adjective used to describe the freshest kid you know

J-Robbed meaning

Chugging an alcoholic drink, either because it tastes awful but you don't want to waste it, or because you want to get drunk fast.

Jrobed meaning

Wasting an opportunity in bed with a girl

j-rob mad fresh meaning

me, the illest person ever

j-roc meaning

Leader of the "Roc Pile." Amateur softcore porn director, aspiring hip-hop/rap artist. Currently serving time for discharging a firearm during the Community Day events of the Sunnyvale Trailer Park, although he actually just got fined and is living under his trailer with the rest of the "Roc Pile." He is hoping that the stint in jail will gain him some street-cred where he can then spin that into big cash with a record label. Wannabe rapper/porn director on the Canadian TV show "Trailer Park Boys"

jrock meaning

japanese rock extremely good!

jrocked meaning

To make a come back against a large force even against seemingly impossible odds.

j-rocker meaning

A j-rocker (or jrocker) is a member of a Japanese rock band. (i.e- Kyo of Dir en grey, Ken of L'Arc-en-Ciel, etc) See J-rock