Jaapie meaning and definition

Jaapie meaning

Pronounced "Yah-pee".Can be spelled Yarpy, Yaapie, but correctly Jaapie as it comes from the Boer -Dutch nickname for men called Jaap (just like Johnny is for John).Although it was commonly used and perhaps still is, it isn't necessarily a kind way of naming a person because it is often used as a name for the South African equivalent of a Redneck or white right male.Very often the term was used to describe the kind of Old Dutch males who used to be able to be spotted by their leather shorts, leather hats, full beards, thick stockings rolled over just below the knee that use elastic supports with flashes, etc. even though they were not typically backward or ignorant.But commonly is applied to any male who is ignorant, backward, stupid and probably inbred and invariably Caucasian.Broadly equates to the US names that are made up of two names (such as BillyBob, EllaMae, JoeBob, NormaJean, etc) and character types such as redneck, hillbilly, and inbred.

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Jaapleen meaning

A girl with this name is considered to be one of the best Indian girls to ever live. Very sweet, kind, and affectionate, Jaapleen is one of the best people to live, being next to Gandhi. Everyone should bow down and be happy Jaapleen is in their presence, it is very rare. Smart, witty, and quick, Jaapleen is obviously the best human girl alive present day.

Jaap Stam meaning

Brick shit house, The Bald Gladiator

jaaquinis meaning

a warrior of ethiopia

Jaaramiha meaning

Dropping a load on the bathroom floor at work

jaard meaning

A shortened version of the phrase 'Jimmy Hill', which is used when expressing ones disbelief at an apparent lie. Taken from using Jimmy Hill extensively to the point where one can't be bothered saying both words and uses just 'Jimmy', or shortened further to 'jaard'. Accompanied with the rubbing of ones chin at approximately arms length. The size of ones disbelief can be expressed by the amount of reach obtained by stretching the arm as long as possible, and the louder and shorter the 'jaard' sound.

Jaa Re Tu meaning

Jaa Re Tu is a common term used by Indians which simply means 'Get outta here' in Simple English

jaari meaning

ie:one gets shitfaced and starts a fight with one or others.

jaarn meaning

when a monkey hasnt got enough strength to eat a banana

jaaron meaning

A small, brown turd.

jaarvus meaning

Teenage black kid with a tiny penis, barely ever gets any pussy