Jabari meaning and definition

Jabari meaning

This beautiful and audacious name is Arabic and Swahili (that's right, TWO languages) for "Strong". Having great power or influence. Having the power to persuade. Marked by the ability to withstand stress without structural damage or distortion. Not showing weakness or uncertainty

Jabari meaning

A unit of asking, equivalent to two questions; usually unrelated.

Jabari meaning

(1) Swahili word for courageous one, also a name(2)Slang for very cool in trinidad

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Jabarie meaning

He is a Great kisser and he is one of the best in bed he is willing to know his girl sexually and emotionally he is the DREAM BOYFRIEND if you find a guy named jabarie Mary him. If you do cross him watch out because he will remember and things will nevr be the same he is a care free living person and is very lovably.He is someone you can trust because he will not tell anyone. He may be qutie but its only because hes listening he is a person that wont go out with a girl unless he knows she is right for him.

Jabarimooe meaning

Jabarimooe is an aura that increases your talent in games, especialy fps's or First Person Shooters, it is extremely rare and you must not be arrogant that you have Jabarimooe, for if you do, it will leave. I've experianced Jabarimooe in the following games: Halo 2 and 3 Star wars Battlefront 2 LotD 2 Two Towers Call of Duty Finest hour and 3 Ghost Recon Beowulf Soldier Front and Perfect Dark

Jabarious meaning

The name for the most bad ass hero of all time.

Jab Arm meaning

The long lasting pain/ache in the arm which takes the brunt of any inoculations. Usually takes a couple of days to recover, and until then rarely makes it above a 45 degree angle to the torso.

jabarted meaning

Noun;Anything that is FUBAR, A item or person of significant uglyness, A place you would not want to go due to it's level of domestic termoil

Jabas meaning

Big Boobs on a women, good loking or not.

Jabass meaning

Similar in nature to a "jackass", but more of a limp-wristed jackass. A prime example of a jabass would be Andy Dick. Absolutely obnoxious, annoying, not funny and flamingly gay.

jabasshole meaning

the combinaiton of Jeu ( slang for you) and a bass fishing boat operated improperly on a privet lake.

jabata meaning

abbie's big bum and hips

jaba the cunt meaning

A person (generally female) who's constant propensity to be a bitch is exasperated by the fact that she is morbidly obese. The massive proportion of both her cuntiness and adipose tissue warrant the title. A Jaba the Cunt's life is both defined and punctuated by the fact that she's nothing more than a fat, egocentric, boorish bitch.