jabronie meaning and definition

jabronie meaning

juh broh nee –noun someone who is about to get owned. -adjective used to decribe a person or action lacking judgment or sense.

jabronie meaning

A person who says stupid things all the time, often without knowing how dumb they really sound.A person that has no idea what is going on around them and asks idiotic questions on a regular basis.

jabronie meaning

a word that the Rock started as a craze but Jerry "the King" Lawler really origniated a wannabe

jabronie meaning

A dick who acts like their from jerzzy or some one from jerzzy shore

jabronie meaning

Its like a hockey word or something.

jabronie meaning

Dude who like to inflate balloons in his asshole to see how wide his ass hole can get before tearing.

jabronie meaning

A frozen treat you would buy at a circus or fair

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Jabronism meaning

The act of utter idiocity or extreme ignorance; stupid beyond belief...

Jabronistan meaning

Broward County, Florida -- due to the shockingly high jabrone count.

Jab Roni Syndrome meaning

When you find yourself obsessing over The Rock so much, you find yourself saying his catchphrases constantly.

Jabronium meaning

The 119th element on the periodic table. This element is only found in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson; Which fuels his insatiable hunger to lay the smack down on all your candy asses!

jabronize meaning

1: To annoy or aggravate a person or group of people by acting towards them in a manner typical of a jabroni. 2: To cause damage, confusion, or other negative effects upon an object or situation by acting in a manner typical of a jabroni.

jabronmeister meaning

A superlative form of jabroni.

jabronny meaning

A term used to describe somebody who has a very large double chin. The chin is so big that it can accidentely knock someone off their feet. Usually this is term is to describe the gigantic chin, and fat people usually have a "jabronny"

jabronson meaning

Combination of the words Jabroni and Johnson1:Penis.2:Someone who thinks with or acts like a dick.

Jabronus meaning

Used to define multiple jabronis in the same place at the same time

jabrony meaning

A mixture between ping pong, pool, and golf. A gentlemen's sport in which the player must land the ball in various holes by serving the ball ping pong style. This game was originated in the Kelly household and will go down as the greatest game ever made.