Jabumblefuck meaning and definition

Jabumblefuck meaning

When you are stung in the ass by a bee, later shit, and honey comes out.

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jabumfuck meaning

Jabumfuck is the hypothetical name given to any city, town, or place that is located out in the middle of nowhere. It is also known as BFE (pronounced B.F.E.), which stands for Beyond Fucking Everything, or Bum Fuck Egypt, or Butt Fuck Egypt, depending on your mood. Out in jabumfuck, you often have to drive over an hour to get to any sort of civilization, and people born in Jabumfuck often never get the chance to leave. Many small colleges are also located in Jabumfuck, as are crazy hippies that live on farms, or your sceptica, conspiracy theorist relatives that you never visit, because they live in Jabumfuck.

Jabundi meaning

noun - An African American male who tells an unsuspecting white person to "break yourself Nigga", while taking another puff out of his crack pipe, and fucking an African American female up the ass.

jabunghoe meaning

n : someone who is annoying, stupid, retarted, a nerd, a hoe, or any bad connotationsimilar variations: jabung, jabunga, jabunghoebagtrampoline

jabungo meaning

Very large obease person. They can sometimes be mistaken for a Jumbo Jet. There are several classes of jabungo sized people: 1. jabungo = obease, large, fat. 2. super jabungo = obease times two. 3. super costco sized jabungo = extremely obease.

Jabunt meaning

another name for the VAGINA

jab up your butt meaning

Say quickly so as to be reminiscent of "Jabba The Hutt". A Proctologist.

jabuwen meaning

JBWN (juh-boo-in)1. An African princess, most namely an exotic girl preparing to take her place as the next chief of her village.2. An elaborate and rare colourful bird found in South America similar to that of a toucan; makes a great family pet of extravagant travels.

Jabuzzi meaning

You get a warm cup of water and you dip your balls into it. Then you get a girl to get a straw and blow bubbles in the cup. Just like a jacuzzi, except for your BALLS!

JABY BEBUS meaning

a word used to describe anger, alternate to baby jesus

jabys meaning

The best card game out there. Basically a remix to the original card game of Big 2 except five cards have special powers and there are no suits. Originally created by S.O.R.M. in which jabys was originally an acronym for joe, allan, boyang, yujie, and seung( the original creators )