jst meaning and definition

jst meaning

Slang term for just

jst meaning

Just Ship That Shit.To rush unpolished and underdeveloped software for the purpose of making money. See shovelware.

jst meaning

Acronym meaning 'Just Saw This' for use when responding belatedly to a text message. A great time saver as 11 words are thus condensed down to three. Now instead of having to type out 'I'm so sorry, I just saw this' or 'sorry, didn't have my phone', the user can simply begin with 'jst' Granted these excuses are generally bogus, but this powerful little acronym doesn't care. It works equally well in deliberate or in-deliberate cases.

jst meaning

Just So Titanic or JST, referring to an event, person or activity that is sad or deeply emotional.

jst meaning

"Jewish Standard Time" Like CPT for Jews

Read also:

j-stabbin meaning

lookin goofy as hell

J Stain meaning

1) The stain left behind by jizz. Just a shortened term for Jizz Stain. Often found on shirts and other clothes of the sorts.2) Can also be used when referring to any white substance i.e. paint, glue, etc that has dried and left a white stain.

JStalk meaning

State-of-the-art reconnaissance and observation unit developed by Spy Corp. Said to have the most advanced F&A (Find and Annoy) system ever developed.

J Stamp meaning

Judging someone.

J Star meaning

J-Star is the term used to describe somebody with a great knowledge of martial arts. It generally refers to somebody from asia/middle-east.

JSTARR meaning

The realest nigga to ever exsist ! Perfect to live your whole life with .. No one could ever do it like he will

J- station meaning

A laptop primarily used for masturbation. Common among young males with no parental control, as well as no self control. A j-station user may just j-it front of friends and family

j status meaning

to do something jewly or a jewish action

J-Steelo meaning

The art of pulling off the seemingly impossible in a style that only a half-man half-amazing being could.

J-Stew meaning

Jstew is usually a complete pussy ass bitch who usually wears a man bun and thinks he gets a lot of girls but really he's doesn't.