kablah meaning and definition

kablah meaning

a word used by mel gibson to scare away strangers while he play banjo at his church

kablah meaning

Kablah is a klingon word, used by several klingon's on star trek next generation. kablah is a word with many meanings. it can mean "hate", "kill", or "destruct" - depending on how used. generally it's a curse-word and it should not be used around klingons, as they will take it as an invitation for a "duel till death". Mel Gibson also uses this term when scaring strangers away from his propertys or when trying to kill somebody - this happens to the fact that all the world knows, that Mel Gibson is half klingon, half insane, half manbearpig.

kablah meaning

a word you say randomly when there is an awkward silence or you dont have anything else to say.

kablah meaning

Any form of Art where the Artist drops 20 hits of acid in their eye... then creates a montage from several pictures. Very creative yet scary and confusing at the same time.

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kablahmachunk meaning

Area between your testicles and asshole for males.

kablair meaning

a girl who dresses slutty and thinks she is so hot. Guys want her for her large basoomas which she will happily show to her close friends.

kablam meaning

1.An slang word from Albuquerque meaning black tar Heroin. 2.Often used interchangeably at the end of someone's name to mean they deal or have heroin. Kablam is used in this fashion usually only when non users or potential rats are listening to the addicts conversation.

kablamatang meaning

a complete mixture of all flavours of tang especially good when in a foreign shithole

Kablambo meaning

A combination of kablam and Rambo. Kablambo means a surprisingly strong surprise which should be used with a strong emotion.

kablaminated meaning

Getting absolutely messed up drunk.

Kablammo meaning

an onomatopaiec word, suggesting an explosion, although can be used as a greeting or as a random word.

kablammy meaning

the noise that is NOT made by a persons head violently burst open by a projectile, but is much more fun to say than "pkchllwishiiiw".

Kablamo meaning

Another way of saying something is cool, (made popular by TLI www.thelonelyisland.com in the movie entitled "White Power") because they are cool. no pun intended. Another variation of KABLAMO by Ardy is JAMMERRIFIC.

Kablamo Method meaning

A technique used to defeat opponents in a contest or game.