Kabuki Party meaning and definition

Kabuki Party meaning

(n) The culmination of an orgy, when all the guys sploosh on all the girls' faces at the same time

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kabuki shitfaced meaning

drunker than drunk. your so drunk that that you dont know if you are a man or a woman.

Kabuki shorts meaning

A word used to describe any pair of shorts that are above the bottom of the butt cheek. Shorts like these started popping up here and there around the early 2000's but are now getting more popular. Can be seen frequently in California, Georgia, Texas, Nevada, Florida, and Hawaii.-"Really Short Shorts" on Google images

Kabuki Speaker meaning

Japanese made speakers from the 60's through the 70's that had a minimum 15" woofer, a minimum 4-way cross-over, at least 6 individual drivers, in a box that is less than 3 cu ft or weighs less than 50lbs. "For those wondering about the origin of the term, it had to do with the limited bandwidth and tinny sound that characterized the first versions of these speakers. As a friend said "You can play Led Zepplin though them and it comes out sounding like Kabuki music"." -Don McR @ www.audiokarma.org

Kabuki-Thugz meaning

A thug version of a japanese theatrical worker. Also, a type of asian gang. I.e Kabuki Thugz. Known for relations with the Yokuza.

kabukool meaning

an extremely cool,hip, cutting edge person that works at the largest japanese chain restaurant kabuki

kabukulator meaning

brain or head

Kabul meaning

Capital city of Afghanistan. Located in Kabul Province, northeast Afghanistan. People cannot drive, walk out in front of you without looking (then get riot-level pissed if you hit someone), or ride their bikes out in front of you. Dusty, dirty, has good bread and a decent radio station, Kabul Rock (108.0 FM). The Taliban were driven out for the most part, but pop their man-loving, women-beating, limb chopping, self-detonating heads up occasionally. Home to the HQ of Afg Nat. Army and Nat. Police, ANA and ANP.

kabuli meaning

the craziest sons of bitches in the world. Up to do anything and everything. Great lovers and ass kickers, so watch out for these mother fuckers YO!!!

Kabul Kooch meaning

The worst possible example of female genitalia. It is as bombed-out depleted and smelly as its namesake Afghan city which has suffered decades of war and has open sewers. Beware a Kabul Kooch has most likely not seen a razor since the Vikings last saw a Super Bowl either.

Kabulshit meaning

Noun: The capital city of Afghanistan. Noted for fuck all except a place to buy overpriced Afghani carpets, carbon monoxide poisoning, rampant corruption, non-existent infrastructure, excrement in the streets and a gathering place of choice for dysfunctional westerners escaping reality under the guise of ‘Aid work’ and ‘consultancy’Adjective: A frustrated and hopeless feeling/attitude derived from living or visiting said 3rd world shithole capital of Afghanistan, usually as a result of putting up with corrupt/inept/inane/inbreed locals and the legion of equally vexing international aid workers who have nothing better to do in their fortified (for good reason) guesthouses in lieu of real work than to bitch and moan about anything and everything, except that is writing books no one wants to read about their experience, mostly 350 page self indulgent tomes structured around the few times they left the city combined with the occasional rocket attack, carpet shopping adventures and piss-ups at Gandamach.Acute case of Kabulshit result in Westerners wearing shalwar kameez and Masood hats, enthusiastically berating everyone elsein their orbit for not shallowly ingratiating themselves with their peculiar take of the local culture while drinking piss at one of the many drinking establishments across the city that refuse to allow Afghani clientele.