L69A1 meaning and definition

L69A1 meaning

a standard millitary grenade but with the explosive removed and replaced with the highly powdered date rape drug Rohypnol. making the L69A1. well ugly men will never have to go to sleep by themselves plus now you and all your friends can score all at once

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L7 meaning

Slang term used to describe an older slang term of being "square" which was often used to indicate akwardness or someone who is completely odd. If you put the letter "L" and the number "7" close enough together, the two characters create a shape resembling a square.

L70ETC meaning

Level 70 elite Tauren Cheiftain is a band made up of WoW characters scripted in Burning Cruisade Beta days There Song Power of the Horde is also in the game script but there other two are outside of them There is a group of people who play live concerts of L70ETC durning Blizzcon

l77t meaning

Something a faggot would type in a tragically ironic attempt to seem l33t

l7arel7evil meaning

Personal Happiness defined by one kiss. A lifelong companion. A friend.

L7 Bitch meaning

Someone who trys to be a bitch in order to gain authority, respect, etc, but just sucks at it. So much that it comes off as fake & annoying as hell!

L7 weenie meaning

Square, dorkish type male

L7 weinee meaning

if you make an L and a 7 with your fingers it makes a square. therefore L7 weinee is a nerdy weinee...a square weinee. it was a saying goin around bout 15yrs ago at school...it is also of the Sandlot

l8 meaning

L8 is actaully means Late

l80r meaning

Pretty much same thing as saying "later"

L84AD8 meaning

Means running late for a date