LCD tits meaning and definition

LCD tits meaning

Flat tits or tits with no curves

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LCD Trip meaning

When you watch too much football on your LCD big-screen. Can apply to other sports or programming in which you sit, staring at it for hours. Known to have negative effects on you health.

LCD Zombie meaning

Students in a "smart" classroom with technology at their fingerprints who cannot break their zombie gaze from the LCD screen in front of them no matter how interesting the instructor may be.

LCE meaning

Lower Class Environment; a term used to describe the "ghetto" when Mrs. W-G is around.

LCF meaning

The: Look Cool Factor The level of coolness that something appears to be. May it be from poor to great.

LC female meaning

Can be identified by begging for free drinks off of pedofiles, Only Found in rhino and jalapenos, jealous of illiana girls, drink no < 3 days a week, usually full retard while drunk

LCFF meaning

LCFF: An acronym for the credos "Life Choice Fashion Flange". To live by this dictum is to embrace a code, where each interconnected element of the doctrine affects one's actions and defines one's existence.

LCFG meaning

Abbreviation: Laugh Cough Fart Giggle

LCG meaning

The illest Crip Gang in the Mecca Town Stomp on em slobk ass niggas

LCGuy meaning

The coolest, most awesome Australian on the planet.

lchc meaning

LION CITY HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!(Singapore) the united hxc ppl of Singapore! HXC has spread all over the world! to the east!