LMDF meaning and definition

LMDF meaning

Little Dick Mother Fucker from a song by the Masochist, LMDF there is also a Wildstylez remix that is also good!

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lmdfa meaning

Leave Me Da Fuck Alone

LMD Fan meaning

A person who became a fan of the St. Louis band Ludo via listening to and or watching the video for their new single "Love Me Dead"

LMDFAO meaning

LaughingMyDumFuckingAssOffUsed by many aim users nowadays.

lmdfsao meaning

Laugh My Damn Fucking Shaved Ass Off

LMDH meaning

1) to laugh until your dick gets hard 2) to laugh at something so dirty and funny you get hard

LMDIMG meaning

Lay me down in my grave.

LMDN meaning

Lick My Dick Nigger. Used primarily in the act of trash talking during online gaming. Meant to disorient/confuse/demean gamers that get owned.

LMDO meaning

Laughing my dick off it is a more comical version to the popular trend lmao as in laughing my ass off the term was established by Dana powers from reading Massachusetts. The term should be used when describing a comical

lmdofsalttioahahtgttdtgicmylyaoshtysfoaydyt meaning

laughing my dick off for such a long time that i obtain a hernia and have to go to the doctors to get it checked meanwhile you're laughing your ass off so hard that your sombrero falls off and you drop your taco.

lmdsv meaning

Lick my dirty spoiled vagina