LNTR meaning and definition

LNTR meaning

Abbreviation for "Late Night Taco Run", primarily to Taco Bell. LNTRs usually occur after 11pm in the company of a close friend or two. Commonly used for bro time, catching up, quenching late night hunger, etc.

LNTR meaning

an acronym for Late Night Tampon Runs. used by women who send their friends out to stores to buy tampons when they're too lazy to go yourself or when you don't want to go alone because you're scared that you'll buy 7 tubs of ice cream like you did last month.

Read also:

LNV meaning

Late Night Visit- you visit someone, or someone visits you to fuck

lnve meaning

To Love you bestfriend dearly.

lnvl meaning

Laughing Not Very Loud

LNYS meaning

Leave Now You Skank.

lo meaning

Lack of Sex...

lo0ol meaning

The extreme of lol (laugh out loud), lmao (laugh my ass off), and rotfl (roll on the floor laughing). Used in instant messenging when you can't express how much you're laughing when you're on the computer or a phone.

lo0oser meaning

Not just ANY loser but an unbelievably sad ass hopeless oh so tragic person. The kind of loser who makes your fingers itch just by standing there, breathing, exisiting, doing nothing. There is something so inherently 'lo0oserness' about them, you just want to slap them.

lo0ser meaning

is a person that is a no0b and loser at the same time. Like Laura W.

lo2 meaning

To lo2: an Egyptian verb meaning going to el lo2lo2a, an oriental cafe in Alexandria.

lo3 meaning

A counter-strike term used in scrimmages and matches meaning "Live On Three."