LTTG meaning and definition

LTTG meaning

late to the game, just means you're not up to speed, need to catch up on what you've missed

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lttm meaning

Laughter To The Max (maximum) Another way to express 'lmao', 'rofl' or 'lol'.

LTTP meaning

Stands for "Late to the Party". Usually used on forums when starting a thread whose topic may not exactly be topical.

lttponl meaning

"lttponl" or "lit to the point of not lit" is when you get so lit (drunk, high, etc.), that it is no longer lit.


LTTPWNSCO is a text acronym for:Laughing To The Point Where No Sound Comes OutIt is generally used sarcastically to menace other people's weak jokes, it can also be used to describe something incredibly funny.

Ltttr meaning

lol to the toilet roll

lttu meaning

Look that term up.

Ltty meaning

'Less Than Three You' From <3 pretty much 'i love you' or 'i heart you'

ltu meaning

Long Time/Term Users. Used in message boards for people who have been on a board for a very long time.

ltudh meaning

computer slang meaning "laugh that u dont hear".

Lt-UnReaL meaning

A legendary hacker/gamer that usually goes by the name of |bc|Lt.UnReaL on the leetest game ever created, Unreal Tournament. You will also see him go by ChaosRacer2, u=FAiL>Xile<^L5 and just Lt-UnReaL. He has created hacking programs that were not even imaginable. He has many world records in video gaming.