LWIV meaning and definition

LWIV meaning

To laught with inner voice, or to laugh out loud in your head. to avoid others knowing you're not working

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LWJ meaning

Light Wash Jeans

LWJO meaning

Laughing while jacking off.

lwkm meaning

A Nigerian abbreviation meaning laugh wan kill me. Found in the pidgin language, It's a synonym to LOL used in the Western world.

LWKMD meaning

Same as LWKM, but on a funnier scale. LWKMD: laugh wan kill me die. similar to lmfao, lmao, rotflmao, it's a more intense description of one's reaction to a joke.

LWL meaning

LWL = Lil Wayne Laugh!a new lingo originated by Anthony A. and Chris M. in math class and perfected in Daytona Beach .similar but greater than lol, rofl, lmao, lmfao, CmC, haha, jaja, etc.

LWL5 meaning

A term relating to elite video gaming pros, who happen to excel at raping filthy noobs.

LWLLJB meaning

Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. Based off the amazing site displaying photos of, well, lesbians who look like Justin Bieber. Uncanny, really.

lwm meaning

instant messaging speak for "laugh with me". also: lw/m. often used when your comment receives no "lol" or "lqtm". so order your recipient/buddy to laugh! usually replied with a "l@u" or "l@me", meaning your comment was unfunny to begin with. sorry

LWMDO meaning

Abbreviation for the initialism "Laughing With My Dick Out". This response would be appropriate if instant messaged something humorous while masturbating to porn, or for just general internet responding while nude.

LWMG meaning

'Lions With Machine Guns'