LWMHB meaning and definition

LWMHB meaning

Abbreviation for: Laughing With My Head Back

Read also:

LWMLAF meaning

Level Windows Makes Laughable Attempts at Following

LWMM meaning

Acronym for Laughing With My MouthUsed in IMing or Texting

LWMOA meaning

laughing with my off ass

lwnage meaning

To loan your ownage to a friend, family, or the poor.

lwned meaning

Much like it's harsher, more severe brothers owned and pwned, lwned means to be dominated or defeated in some way by another, but perhaps just a smaller victory.

LWNJ meaning

Left Wing Nut Job. A person who removes reasoning, logic, and common sense from their decision making process, instead basing their decisions solely on emotional responses.

LWNS meaning

The act of mowing one's lawn while not in possession of pants.

LWNSCO meaning

laughing with no sound coming out.

LWOC meaning

Last Week of Class

LWOF meaning

Laughing While On Fire A high school student in Great Neck, New York got bored of the LOL and the LMAO and the ROFL that goes around in conversations. So here he made a different way to express laughter online.