Labradoe meaning and definition

Labradoe meaning

Something/one of the non-important matter.Acting shady, irrelevant or useless.

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labradog meaning

1. Term used to describe dogs that are generic labrador mixes. Also used to describe dogs that people claim are purebred labs but are clearly not, or if they are purebred, they are really ugly. 2. Every unidentified mixed breed dog that people just automatically label as a lab mix.

Labradoodle meaning

A cross between two purebred breeds of dog: The Labrador Retriever and the Poodle. Contrary to popular myth, these crossbreeds were not created to "make a smarter dog" but to create a stable seeing-eye-dog more suitable for those with allergies to dander. Poodles are a single-coated breed, Labradors, the standard seeing-eye-dog, are double coated and blow coat (shed out) twice a year. The crossing of the two breeds for this purpose originally started in Australia. Also contrary to popular belief, just because you throw a Labrador and Poodle together and make mixed puppies does NOT mean they will all be single-coated dogs. On a first generation mix, it's a crapshoot and they might all shed. If you want a Labradoodle that does not shed, you need to buy it from someone who has been breeding dogs proven not to shed in at LEAST a third or fourth generation mix (Non-shedding Labradoodle to non-shedding Labradoodle). Even then, there might still be the occaisional throw-back to the doublecoated Labrador that will shed. Also, buying from a reputable breeder ensures that you don't get a dog that is scared of it's own shadow and won't fetch a stick.

labradoofus meaning

A Labradoofus is a designer breed inspired by the Labradoodle, but instead of a poodle, the non-Labrador parent is the stupid yet adorable breed of beagle.

Labrador meaning

An A.K.C-registered breed of dog. The most popular breed of dog in the united states which was first developed in the Labrador province of Canada to haul fishermans nets. Has a very gentle and patient nature and makes and exceptional seeing-eye dog or gundog. Has short to medium length hair and is prone to gastric tortion and hip disphlyasia. Comes in three varieties, yellow, black, and chocolate.

Labradorable meaning

A dog of the labrador variety which is of a certain cuteness

labrador husky meaning

The Labrador Husky is not a Labrador dog bred with a husky. It is an indigenous breed of husky comprised of the Canadian Inuit Dog and the Labrador Wolf. Due to geographic isolation the Thule Inuit allowed their dogs to interbreed with the local wolf population giving rise to what is known as the Labrador Husky.Where once there was an over abundance of this Inuit sled dog, today there are but 65 that remain in existence. To find out more about this rare breed please look for The Labrador Husky group on Facebook where research, videos, historical photos and newspaper and magazine articles are posted.Labrador: used to give geographical identity to this dog Husky: Nordic, sled dog breed, double coated,

Labrador Retriever meaning

A common breed of dog.Dog that commonly eats its own shit or the shit of other dogs it lives with.Short ears, medium large in size.

Labrador Sea meaning

Labrador Sea is where them lil pups come from. They are rapidly produced, faster than cells in the human body. However, most do not make it out alive due to the wide populations of Britney Spears.

Labradory meaning

Dog's life laboratory reminiscent of a labrador

labradour on toast meaning

labradour on toast the equivilent to its all good and its all gravy. A term to express how your feeling or whats going on around you in a good and/or positive way.