Legal Document meaning and definition

Legal Document meaning

One who abides by all laws, loves to play cop man, is a snitch, goes and gets coffee every morning to patrol the school parking lot, makes you have parent permission for everything, doesn't care to trust anybody, very uptight, has their head up their ass, usually is someone in higher authority than you, reports crime, and follows the dress code every day at work or school. This person follows all of the rules, even lame rules.

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legaldose meaning

one of the most loved and feared runescape players of all time, he doesnt just dominate the pking worlds, he also dominates: piscatoris, shilo village, and various other fishing spots, he (as some people would call him) a fishing noob..

legal drugs meaning

a drug which is usually more harmful for you than illegal drugs. Legal Drugs Include: Alcohol: worse than heroin- this legal drug, over time will destroy your personality and who you used to be, commonly, you lose your friends, family and brain to this drug. Zanax: (in large doeses of course) Makes you a social hermit and causes cognitive disfunctioning even after effects wear off. make sure you dont take this drug too often. Legal Bud: well, you mine as well just throw your money out the window or wipe your ass if you think about buying legal bud. ...The list goes on and on and on but time doesnt so... remember... legal drugs are DANGEROUS!

Legal Dwarf meaning

A subspecies of dwarf that contains homosexual and bisexual dwarfs that can't deal with the original title of "dwarf." They need legality to make them feel like more than they are, because they are really small, and always want more than they are. Not only do they piss us off with the special "legal", but they also piss off regular dwarfs who feel like less, because dwarfs always feel like they are less. Why else would they have all the tv shows.

Legal Eagle meaning

Somebody who makes 100% sure that the person they are attracted to is over the age 18 before progressing further.

Legal-enough meaning

When a person is under age of consent by only a slight margin.

legalese meaning

The dialect that the "legal" profession uses to hoodwink people into paying them a week's wage for an hour's work. See conflict of interest.

legal fuck meaning

A term used to describe someone sexually interesting to and younger than the user when the interest has reached the age of consent or other age that prevents legal conundrums from occurring if a sexual relationship ensures.

Legal Goggles meaning

When a person finds every young girl to be at least 18, regardless of the obvious, they are said to be wearing their Legal Goggles.Often used to justify potential actions with said jailbait.

Legalgraviside meaning

A word that means nothing. It can only be spoken when you have nothing to say. Then one can say legalgraviside.

Legal Harassment meaning

Getting sued to death after divorcing an extraordinarily wealthy pit bull. And it's perfectly legal.